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COVID-19 Update

Of course, at this point, the world is well aware of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

We all have watched as the virus spread around the world. Fortunately, Surtec is located in the Island nation of Taiwan which is separated from China by the Taiwan Strait - a body of water which is more than 125 km (80 miles) across. This provides Taiwan with a measure of safety (being an island) that most other countries do not have.

Taiwan has remained relatively unaffected by the virus with an extremely low death count from the disease and very few current cases. As far as Surtec is concerned, we are safe and have had no issues with COVID-19. However, to help ensure the safety of our employees, we regularly have our building disinfected. Additionally, at the entrances to our facility, we have also instituted body scanning with temperature detecting. Employees are wearing masks and washing hands often in order to cut down on the possibility of the spread of any disease. We feel that these measures are adequate, but we will remain vigilant and make changes as the situation requires.

Additionally, to help out our customers in their time of need, Surtec has delivered over 100,000 face masks to our customers. We started out specifically sending them to customers in places that had a shortage of masks in order to provide them with this important item of personal protective equipment. We then continued to send them to all our customers as supplies allowed.

We want you to know that we are all safe and our shipments are on schedule. If there are any changes in this we will certainly make our customers aware of it immediately.

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